33 research outputs found

    Decision-Support System for Safety and Security Assessment and Management in Smart Cities

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    Counter-terrorism and its preventive and response actions are crucial factors in security planning and protection of mass events, soft targets and critical infrastructures in urban environments. This paper presents a comprehensive Decision Support System developed under the umbrella of the S4AllCitites project, that can be integrated with legacy systems deployed in the Smart Cities. The system includes urban pedestrian and vehicular evacuation, considering ad-hoc predictive models of the evolution of incendiary and mass shooting attacks in conjunction with a probabilistic model for threat assessment in case of improvised explosive devices. The main objective of the system is to provide decision support to public or private security operators in the planning and real time phases in the prevention or intervention against a possible attack, providing information on evacuation strategies, the probability or expected impact of terrorist threats and the state of the traffic network in normal or unusual conditions allowing the emergency to be managed throughout its evolution

    Calculation of Agro-Climatic Factors from Global Climatic Data

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    This manuscript aims to create large-scale calculations of agro-climatic factors from global climatic data with high granularity-climatic ERA5-Land dataset from the Copernicus Climate Change Service in particular. First, we analyze existing approaches used for agro-climatic factor calculation and formulate a frame for our calculations. Then we describe the design of our methods for calculation and visualization of certain agro-climatic factors. We then run two case studies. Firstly, the case study of Kojčice validates the uncertainty of input data by in-situ sensors. Then, the case study of the Pilsen region presents certain agro-climatic factors calculated for a representative point of the area and visualizes their time-variability in graphs. Maps represent a spatial distribution of the chosen factors for the Pilsen region. The calculated agro-climatic factors are frost dates, frost-free periods, growing degree units, heat stress units, number of growing days, number of optimal growing days, dates of fall nitrogen application, precipitation, evapotranspiration, and runoff sums together as water balance and solar radiation. The algorithms are usable anywhere in the world, especially in temperate and subtropical zones

    Visualisation of Big Data in Agriculture and Rural Development

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    Big data technology is a new technological paradigm that is driving the entire economy, including low-tech industries such as agriculture where it is implemented under the banner of precision farming. Big data analytics system will then provide pilot managers with highly localized descriptive (better and more advanced way of looking at an operation), prescriptive (timely recommendations for operation improvement i.e., seed, fertilizer and other agricultural inputs application rates, soil analysis, and localized weather and disease/pest reports, based on real-time and historical data) and predictive plans (use current and historical data sets to forecast future localized events and returns). Presentation will be focused on two completely new domains of Big Data Visualisation and Analysis for Agricultur

    Geomorphologic Information System

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    Import 11/11/2010Prezenční548 - Institut geoinformatikyvyhově

    Geomorfologický informační systém – případy užití

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    The Geomorphologic Information System (GmIS) is a special type of Geographic Information System (GIS), which can be helpful to geomorphologist in various situations in research. The fundamental functionality of GmIS is to collect, store and maintain relevant geomorphologic data in a geomorphologic database. It also has to offer special analytical tools for geomorphologic analysis. It should allow the user to generate specific geomorphologic information and create (carto)graphic, statistical and other outputs. This article presents a concept of GmIS. Further it specifies and describes situations in whose the GmIS can be helpful to a geomorphologist (use cases). These are e.g.: creation of digital terrain model and derived surfaces, creation of elementary forms, terrain mapping and processing of its results, computing of morphometric characteristic of elementary forms, creation of higher levels of morphologic forms, delimitation of watersheds, morphometric characteristic of watersheds, support of geomorphic network creation, etc

    Visualization of big data in agriculture and rural development

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    Big data technology (BDT) is a new technological paradigm that is driving the entire economy, including low-tech industries such as agriculture where it is implemented under the banner of precision farming (PF). Big data analytics system will then provide pilot managers with highly localized descriptive (better and more advanced way of looking at an operation), prescriptive (timely recommendations for operation improvement i.e., seed, fertilizer and other agricultural inputs application rates, soil analysis, and localized weather and disease/pest reports, based on real-time and historical data) and predictive plans (use current and historical data sets to forecast future localized events and returns). Presentation will be focused on two completely new domains of Big Data Visualisation and Analysis for Agriculture

    Linked Forests: Semantic similarity of geographical concepts “forest”

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    Linked Data represents the new trend in geoinformatics and geomatics. It produces a structure of objects (in a form of concepts or terms) interconnected by object relations expressing a type of semantic relationships of various concepts. The research published in this article studies, if objects connected by above mentioned relations are more similar than objects representing the same phenomenon, but standing alone. The phenomenon “forest” and relevant geographical concepts were chosen as the domain of the research. The concepts similarity (Tanimoto coefficient as a specification of Tversky index) was computed on the basis of explicit information provided by thesauri containing particular concepts. Overall in the seven thesauri (AGROVOC, EuroVoc, GEMET, LusTRE/EARTh, NAL, OECD and STW) there was tested if the “forest” concept interconnected by the relation skos:exactMatch are more similar than other, not interlinked concepts. The results of the research are important for the sharing and combining of geographical data, information and knowledge. The proposed methodology can be reused to a comparison of other geographical concepts

    Prostorové rozhraní informačního systému malé obce řešené v Open Source Software

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    Příspěvek si klade za cíl představit možnosti open source software pro implementaci prostorového rozhraní informačního systému malé obce.Zabývá se návrhem projektu po jednotlivých částech: identifikace požadavků zastupitelského úřadu (uživatele systému), popis obecné architektury systému a volba vhodných (nekomerčních) technologií pro jeho implementaci. Součástí projektu je i popis vyvinuté technologie pro import nejdůležitějších datových vrstev (informací o vlastnictví) do systému.Článek je doplněn výčtem využitelných datových zdrojů pro informační systém malé obce v České republice

    Poskytuje 3D GIS jiný pohled než 2D?

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    Třetí dimenze v GIS se dnes objevuje všude. Když někdo vidí perspektivu (nebo dokonce celou 3D vizualizace) 3D geografických dat, jeho první reakce je obvykle velmi pozitivní. Avšak po druhém pohledu nebo při delší práci s 3D GIS si uživatel někdy neuvědomuje žádnou nebo minimální přidanou hodnotu, doprovázenou nevyžádanou složitost způsobená potřebou zacházet s 3D daty na 2D obrazovce (nebo obecně na nějakém 3D zobrazovacím zařízení). Příspěvek si klade za cíl představit výstupy z nasazeného online dotazníku, který se zabýval srovnáním řešení úkoly založené na 2D nebo 3D vizualizaci dat. Na základě těchto výstupů uvádíme několik příkladů osvědčených postupů skládající se z workshopů a cvičení, jak pracovat s 3D geografickými daty, následované příklady výstupů projektů práce s 3D geografickými daty. Poté jsou diskutovány výhody a nevýhody takových případů použití. Zaměřili jsme se na případy, kdy použití třetí souřadnice má přidanou hodnotu ve srovnání s dvourozměrnými geografickými daty, jejich analýzou a vizualizace.visualization) of 3D geographical data, his or her first reaction is usually very positive. However, after a second look or a longer work with the 3D GIS, the user sometimes realizes no or minimal added value, accompanied by unsolicited complexity caused by the need to handle 3D data on a 2D screen (or on some 3D portraying device in general). The contribution aims to present outputs from a deployed online questionnaire, which dealt with comparison of solving tasks based 2D or 3D visualization of data. Based on such outputs we provide several best practices examples consisting of workshops and tutorials, how to work with 3D geographic data, followed by examples of projects’ outputs dealing with 3D geographical data. The pros and cons of such use cases are then discussed. We focused on cases where the use of the third coordinate adds value comparing to two-dimensional geographic data, their analysis, and visualization